SAR combustion control technology continues on the road to success

Colleagues of the Environmental Technology department, specialised in combustion control technology, can look back on a successful and exciting, but also incredibly challenging year 2020. Although it still started out according to plan, the onset of the corona pandemic towards the middle of the 1st quarter made almost all project and scheduling plans obsolete.

Nevertheless, the projects could be pursued very successfully both in the close surroundings such as in Munich, Zolling, Neufahrn near Freising and Großaitingen near Augsburg, as well as more distant from SAR headquarters, such as in Krefeld, Wuppertal, Magdeburg and Ulm.

Expanded market in the BENELUX countries

The already strong market position of SAR in the BENELUX countries was further expanded in 2020. This is reflected in the adjacent flyer in which two particularly complex projects in the Netherlands (PDF) are introduced. The flyer is also available in a Dutch version (PDF).

One of the world's largest plants for thermal waste treatment in South Korea

One of the greatest challenges in the past year was the commissioning of one of the world's largest plants for thermal waste treatment, which was newly built in South Korea.

Due to the immense time pressure, “cold” commissioning had to be carried out by the SAR team almost exclusively via remote access. Despite extremely rigid entry restrictions, further commissioning activities could then be carried out by colleagues on site.

UK invests heavily in "waste to energy"

The development in the United Kingdom is also very encouraging from the perspective of SAR. The country currently invests in waste-to-energy systems in order to reduce the proportion of non-hazardous municipal and industrial waste that ends up in a landfill.

The substitute fuel business is flourishing and has developed into a significant export volume. SAR is currently working on four projects in Scotland, Wales and England. At the beginning of last year, a project on the Isle of Man (UK) was also successfully completed.

Research and development always in parallel with practice

Continued emphasis will also be given to practice-oriented research and development. After the large-scale joint research project VOKos funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research was recently completed, SAR has been working on the follow-up project AdOnFuelControl since the end of 2019.

The research project in question is funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation, and executed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology, as well as the Joint Venture Power Generating Plant in Schweinfurt. This shows that we view our work not only as project management, but at the same time demonstrate commitment to practice-oriented research.

In conclusion, SAR can still assert itself as a market leader in the field of combustion technology for systems with heterogeneous solid fuels. Within the scope of our after-sales and service activities, well over 150 combustion lines are currently looked after by SAR combustion control technology.
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Isle of Man

Isle of Man - a pleasant change of scenery to the otherwise common industrial areas for our Environmental Technology department

Isle of Man - Peel Castle

Isle of Man, Peel Castle - one of the splendid sights on the island, built by the Vikings in the 11th century

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