Automatic standstill and fault data acquisition with sar@mes

WMU Bavaria GmbH, based in Lower Bavaria, sees itself as a strategic partner of the automotive industry. The company covers the value chain from raw material processing, production and service provision to system solutions.

At every stage, the focus is on safety, conservation of resources and sustainability. In its press shop, car body parts are pressed, punched and milled, among other things.

sar@mes for fault data acquisition

WMU was equipped with sar@mes to record and evaluate plant standstills and malfunctions. The faults are classified and assigned escalation levels, from notification emails to calls to a collective number.

The system has interfaces for the OEE evaluation (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and a management for error master data.

Further modules in planning

With SAR IT Services, WMU plans to expand the system with operational and machine data acquisition as well as maintenance planning.
For further information please contact us at

fault data overview


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