"Train the Trainer" at SAR South Africa

As part of the SD4GE II (Skills Development for a Green Econonomy II) program, SAR Electronic SA conducted several training sessions for teachers from various South African colleges.

Dual education system for South Africa

The long-term goal of the training is the introduction of a dual education system in South Africa. At present, attempts are being made to integrate this into the training occupations of electrician and plumber.

The training programme is financed and implemented by the "Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit" (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the South African institutions Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the National Skills Fund (NSF).

13 participants trained

The client of SAR Electronic SA is the company INTEGRATION (International Management Consultants GmbH from Frankfurt):

  • Robotics (applications, setup of tools etc.)
  • PLC (hardware configuration, overview of the LOGO Soft Comfort Software etc.)
  • Project flow management in the automotive industry
The participants were enthusiastic about the training and were surprised that the contents were so practical, for example with concrete work on training models of the company "Christiani".
For further information please contact us at rsa@sar.biz

Video "Train the Trainer"




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